The iPhone will not get a triple lens camera this year, but the next Samsung Galaxy could – BGR


The Galaxy S10 will arrive in three versions next year, revealed a new report from Korea, including a cheaper Galaxy S10 that will join the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10 + expected. The three phones will be equipped with fingerprint sensors located under the screen or on the sides, this report said. But it will not be the only signature feature of the Galaxy S10.

The best version of the phone will feature a triple-lens camera on the back, and, of course, there is a rumor about said camera installation. ] Information obtained by AllAboutSamsung indicates that the cheaper Galaxy S10 models will have dual camera configurations similar to the Galaxy S9 +. The site suggests that Samsung uses a horizontal position for the camera module, as is the case with the Galaxy Note 9.

But the Galaxy S10 + is where things get interesting.

Samsung will maintain the 12-megapixel lens with variable aperture (F1.5 and F2.4) found on the Galaxy S9, as well as the 13-megapixel zoom camera (F2.4). But the phone also gets a super-wide angle camera. It's a 123-angle lens with a 16-megapixel sensor and an F1.9 aperture. But the wide-angle camera will not have optical image stabilization or autofocus, the report says.

Image Source: AllAboutSamsung

The main camera will be placed in the middle of the three-lens configuration, flanked by the camera zoom in the left and the wide-angle camera on the right.

We do not know where these data come from, but it is much more detailed than what we have heard so far. Previous reports have said that Samsung is working on a triple-lens camera for the Galaxy S10 without delving into the actual details of the camera module.

When the Galaxy S10 Plus will be launched early next year, it will not be the first smartphone to feature three lenses at the back. Huawei did it with the P20 Pro earlier this year, and it is expected that this trend will continue with the flagships of 2019. Apple, meanwhile, could put three cameras on its side to the back of the iPhone X Plus next year at the earliest.

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