The latest PUBG patch corrects Sanhok's cartographic feat


A new update for the PC version of PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds was launched earlier today, removing the frustrating cloaking problem on Sanhok that the players were taking advantage of.

In some parts of the map, players could pbad through the field and even hide under certain textures becoming essentially invisible to other players. These sites gave players ideal camping locations to easily eliminate others, which reduced the risk of retaliation unless their targets were also aware of the feat.

Currently, the hotfix is ​​only available on test servers. The patch is ready to be deployed on live servers once PUBG Corp confirms that the fix is ​​stable.

The patch also updates some of Sanhok's visuals to make ruins and plant life livelier. Visual improvements have also been made to the ruin area, cliffs and rocks to give more life to the densely populated map.

Other additions to the new fix include an estimated wait time for games and a temporary change of game. Lobby, background music, and loading screen.

Another cosmetic change is a brand new PGI 2018 theme to celebrate the tournament in Berlin later this month. The tournament brings together some of the best teams from around the world to fight for a share of the $ 2 million prize pool. Team Liquid, Welcome to South George (formerly Kinguin Team) and Pittsburgh Knights have recently gained seats in the tournament to represent the EU at the event.

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