The leader of Catalunya raised the issue of self-determination before the Spanish Prime Minister


In today 's meeting with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, the head of the Catalan government, Kim Torra, raised the issue of the right to self – determination. Photo ROOTERS

Today's meeting with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, the head of the Catalan government, Kim Torra, raised the issue of the right to self-determination, said Vice -Prime Spanish Minister Carmen Calvo, quoted by the BTA

. long and effective from a work point of view, and has been in a friendly and informal atmosphere.

Calvo said that the Torah spoke of self-determination, whereas, according to her, autonomy had to be said

Sanchez are with (including representatives of the Catalan and Central Government), which has not been summoned in recent years

"Torora invited Sanchez to a meeting in Barcelona," said Calvo, stressing that the Catalan crisis for the last time in the meeting today. hui, a Catalan leader was admitted to the residence of the Government of Madrid in 2016. Then the Prime Minister of Spain was Mariano Rajoy, who lost a vote of no confidence in early June c (1963), and the leader of Catalonia, Carles Puccademon, today in exile abroad, recalls TASS

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