The majority owner sold his shares to Bulgartabac Holding


The largest shareholder of Bulgartabac Holding AD – BT Invest GmbH – Austria sold its stake and no longer owns any property in the Bulgarian tobacco company. On July 12, the Sofia company received a notification from BT Invest GmbH regarding the disclosure of an interest in a public company. This is clear from the announcement, announced by the tobacco monopoly, through "BSE-Sofia". According to the accounts data at the end of the first quarter of 2018, the fund held a 65.85% stake in the capital. The other companies held 33.08% and the property of the individual investors 1.07% of the voting shares

"BT Invest" GmbH won the competition for the privatization of Bulgartabac Holding in 2011. The agency Privatization then accepted the Austrian offer of EUR 100.1 million to the prospective purchaser of the 5,881,380 shares representing 79.83% stake in the tobacco monopoly. However, some of his shares in the tobacco company were released

On July 12, Bugtigabac Holding AD received a notification from Stiga Anstalt, Liechtenstein, for the disclosure of an interest in the public company. According to the announcement, there were 1,086,595 shares representing 14.74904% of the capital of Bulgartabac Holding AD

On the same day, Woodford Establishment – Liechtenstein notified Tobacco Holding for Disclosure of investment. According to this announcement, Woodford Establishment holds 2,431,183 shares in the capital of Bulgartabac. shares or 33% of the shares in the capital of the Bulgarian company

In May of this year there was another change in the structure of the shareholding. Gifted Master LTD, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, announced that the shares acquired from Bulgartabac amounted to 1,333,602 units. shares representing 18.10% of the capital of Dulan Peevski MP Bulgartabac JSC Holding Delyan Peevski

Last year Bulgartabac took a step to diversify its business after selling some of its own brands of cigarettes and cigarettes. investments. The Group invests in retail and food production. The group has also been restructured in some major and auxiliary production plants. As a result, since the middle of last year, the share of new business in the Group's revenue has increased.

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