The music of Italy at the Roman Baths Theater – Varna


A multimedia concert with the special participation of Stefan Riadkov will be presented tonight at the Roman Baths Theater at 9:00 pm
Scenario and direction Srebrina Sokolova. Also participating: Blagovesta Stateva – soprano, Vyara Zhelezova – mezosopran, Ilko Zahariev – baritone and Janeta Benun – piano

Italy is a country of ancient history, a country of emperors and popes , a land of pbadion and beauty. Italy is musical! Everything is music – from food, to the sound of the ferry, to the enthusiastic shouts of football fans. The concert is a journey, a story about Italy, through his music

The program of the concert:

1. The italiano – interpreted by Stefan Riadkov
2. Nella Fantasia – Blagovesta Stateva – 2:15
3. Catari – Core & ngrato – Ilko Zahariev – 2:20
4. The Danza – Vyara Zhelezova – 2:24
5. Aria from Muskete to Gianni Skiki Puccini – Blagovesta Stateva – 2:15
6. Mamma – Vyara Zhelezova – 2:40
7. O mio babbino caro – Blagovesta Stateva – 2:00
8. Conte singer-interpreter Stefan Riadkov
9. Parlami of love Mariu – Ilko Zahariev – 2:30
10. Canta by me – Vyara Zhelezova – 2:12
11. He Bacio – Blagovesta Stateva – 4:09
12. No ti scordar of me – Ilko Zahariev – 2:50
13. Tirithomba – (Ensemble) – 2:40
14. The Spagnola – Vyara Zhelezova – 2:40
15. Santa Luchia – performer Ilko Zahariev – 1:30
16. Torna e Surriento – performed by Stefan Riadkov
17. Fulicola Pulse – 2:50

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