The number of unemployment claims in the United States has fallen more than expected ::


  The number of Americans claiming unemployment benefits dropped more sharply than expected last week, continuing to hold the number of US unemployment claims dropped more than expected

There are two months, not far from the two-year low, another sign of continued strong labor market performance in the world's largest economy, reported the BNR

. from 18,000 to 214,000 on average financial market forecasts to fall to 225,000, shows a study from the Ministry of Labor. However, unemployment benefits remain close to the lowest multi-year level of 209,000 in the week to 21 April (the lowest level since the beginning of December 1969).

Unemployment benefit claims remain below the 300,000-plus hours for more than three years (for the 175th consecutive week), the longest period of the lowest welfare applications of the 1970s century where the American population and the American workforce were much smaller. As a percentage of total enrollment, jobless claims remain at one of the lowest levels since the 1960s

However, it should be kept in mind that recent data are influenced by seasonal factors such as Independence Day. July 4, when state offices were closed, including those who were applying for unemployment benefits. The current period of the year is also characterized by the fact that most car manufacturers in the United States have planned temporary layoffs to reorganize and modernize their mills

Meanwhile, quadruple demands on average have declined for the week before July 7th. with 1750 to 223,000, staying near their all-time low last month.

Today's data is yet another proof of the continuing strengthening of the US labor market, as confirmed by US officials earlier this month on the job market and the US unemployment rate in June.

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