The owner of a manicure salon is fined in a "frightful" case of exploitation of workers


A manicure salon in South Australia fined for paying two migrant workers is a "frightful" case of exploitation of migrant workers, according to the Fair Labor Ombudsman.

Minh Gia Le, owner of a nail salon, was fined $ 30,000 and his company, House of Polish Central Pty Ltd, $ 100,000 more, after a lawsuit brought by the Ombudsman for fair work. The company provided beauty industry services, including manicures and pedicures.

Sending to SBS News this week, the Fair Labor Ombudsman, Natalie James, said that it was a "frightful" case of worker exploitation.

"It is appalling to see people running a business recently arrived in Australia, exploiting highly vulnerable workers with a visa," she said.

Ms. James stated that workers were paid $ 12 by the hour, well below what they were entitled to as casual employees

WAGE THEFT & # 39 ; CRAWLING & # 39;

Migrant Workers on Visas and Working Mrs. James

"We have certainly had a number of cases involving workers in beauty salons and mbadage parlors, often people who are in visas, and who are very open to "More than half of the cases we've brought to court in the last five years involved a visa worker, which is really remarkable if we consider that visa workers do not represent only six percent of the workforce. "

Lawrence Ben, of the Union of Distribution Employees and Related Services, said that an increasing number of cases of wage theft are reported in Australia.

  The workers concerned worked in a nail salon, the workers were employed in a nail n alon.

The affected workers were employed in a manicure salon.


"In the Australian economy, wage theft and some levels of coverage People who speak English as their second language, migrant workers, younger workers are more likely than others to be more hardened.

Workers who are worried about underpayment should know what the minimum rates are for their industry and where they can ask for help, he said.

"If you talk to a colleague about the workers, if you talk to your family and your friends, and you feel that you do not get what you are entitled to … there are places like the SDA and the fair labor mediator. "

Natalie James, Fair Work Mediator, said that migrant workers living in Australia on visas should feel empowered to seek help if she needs it.

" We know that migrant workers can often be very worried about their visas or worry about the measures taken against them, "she said.

" Casual workers, all workers, are in fact protected against dismissal or other prejudicial action because they came to ask for help from the Fair Labor Mediator. "

In July 2017, the Fair Labor Mediator published a new tool for those who speak English as a second language to report unfair treatment.

Since then, he has received at least 1,143 anonymous reports, with the Chinese (502), Korean (241) and Japanese ( 144) Frequently received [19659002] Have you been a victim of a theft of wages in Australia? Tell us your story: [email protected]

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