The presidents of Russia and France had a telephone conversation


Damascus. The Syrian army advances in Kunetera province, near the occupied Golan Heights, reports Reuters .
The army, backed by Russian aviation, invades the suburbs of Kunetera province after last month's offensive that banishes rebels from the neighboring province of Derais, once backed by the countries of the country. coalition led by the United States, Jordan and the Gulf countries
The offensive restores Syrian state control over the south-west strategic border zone with Jordan and Israel
The capture of a series of villages reported by the army Saturday accompanied the evacuation of rebels and their families, resumed for the second consecutive day the border villages from the Golan to the province northern Idlib, still controlled by the rebels
Thanks to an agreement reached by Russian soldiers with rebels in the Kunetera area last week, it is possible to safely evacuate the rebels from the north who oppose the return to the state , and others who decide to remain armed in their own colonies
It also allows the return of Syrian army brigades that existed before the 2011 conflict to the site where they were located near a demoralized area in 1974 with Israel on the border with the Golan Heights. 19659002] Julian Markov

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