The secrets of Prince William and Kate Middleton


The family of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge William and Kate look like fairy tales: a glamorous wedding, three children, a happy family life in a real castle, love and harmony in their relationship

is on the agenda, no less interesting is to pay attention to the beginning of their romance, as well as some lesser known but certainly curious moments of the relationship. And yes, both prefer not to know about them.

The Swallow

William and Kate are introduced to college. The first time their eyes met, it was a school show. Middleton acted as a model on the catwalk wearing a rather provocative transparent dress that looked like a nightgown. Whether it's William, we can only guess.

Two are a little, three are numerous

At this time, Kate is a boyfriend with his colleague Rupert Finch. However, it does not stop William and at the party that night, he attacks Middleton with a kiss. Things do not go as the prince planned, because Middleton cuts his mercenaries

But by his actions he managed to shake the relationship of Kate and Rupert Shortly after, he became the number one in his heart

Despite the love triangle formed, countries have managed to maintain good relations. Significant is the presence of Finch and his beloved at the wedding of William and Kate. Then the royal couple gave them the gesture

The sadness or not quite

St. Andrews College, where William and Kate teach, has glory in a place where many young people find their companion. And after years of legalizing their relationship. Thus, beyond secularism the marriage of Duke and Duchess is only one part of a curious statistic The Other Women

Relationships Kate and William started in 2002 Normally, it's a secret at the beginning. In this period, the name of the prince is badociated with none and two other women.

We mention only Jack Craig, with whom William allows himself to deny that he is intimate. The latter – to take an attitude – is contrary to the royal protocol, according to which such statements are left unanswered. And after graduating from college, William brought Kate to Jack to prove that there was nothing between them

William's Problem

It is really important that our companion love to hear with our friends. But that does not apply to Kate, who has long been a knife with William's best friend, Guy Pelle, for his immature behavior

Years ago William was a big coupon but his wife managed to tame him. And perhaps to move away from the influence of the company. Middleton initially had problems with many female prince, but with time the difficulties vanish.

Cousins ​​

Associating your married partner's family is certainly a difficult task. It becomes doubly more difficult when the family is the British king The main misconceptions of Middleton are with the cousins ​​of William Beatrice and Yoenney at first.

They do not like visibility, glamorous lifestyles, and especially the way Middleton looks, writes Talko. In addition, their mother Sarah Ferguson does not receive an invitation for the wedding. To this day, the three ladies show a distant attitude.

  Kate Middleton is far from Beatrice and Yoenney

Source: GettyImages

Kate Middleton stands away from Beatrice and Yoeni

Forced separation Four years after starting out together and their relationship is strengthened, William and Kate spent Christmas and New Year apart. The Middleton family invites their future son-in-law, but the royal protocol tells him to be next to Elizabeth II. The pigeons of love are also divided on the day of Kate's birthday early January

After graduating from college and before becoming a legal husband and wife, William and Kate spend most of their time divided . The Prince even often prefers the pleasure of the nightclub instead of visiting his favorite weekend

Let someone wonder how their relationship has survived. But at least we are sure that William lived well before being in Middleton's allegiance . And now, he's doing just as well with the role of the perfect father and husband. Let's not forget that perfect people do not exist

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