"West World" received 21 nominations and the winner of last year in the dramatic category "The History of the Maid" – 20 . Among the comedies, he received the most nomination for "Atlanta" – 16. "Live Saturday Night" received 21 nominations.
Most nominations – 24, the "Game of Thrones" series received in 2015 In 2016, his appointments were 23. Last year, he did not meet the requirements for the candidates. "The Game of Thrones" twice won the Emmy Award for Best Dramatic Series
2017: Big Emmy Prize-winning and Big Losses
Although he is leading the nominations this year, "Thrones Play" has no pretender at the price of best actress and actress .
In the category of Best Drama Series were named "The Americans", "The Crown", "The Game of Thrones", "The Game of Thrones, Story Things", "We Are We "and" Western World ".
The Most Beautiful Emmy Awards
"Atlanta", "Barry," "", "Calm the Ball", "Brilliant", "The Wonderful Mrs. Meisle", Silicon Valley, "L"; Invincible Kimi Schmidt "are the Emmy nominees for the best comedy series [194590(19459002)bestactorinthedrama are Jason Bateman (" Ozark "), Sterling K. Brown (" We are here ") Ed Harris (" The West World ", Matthew Ris (" The Americans "), Milo Ventimilla (" We Are Here ") and Jeffrey Wright (" The Western World ")
The stars with the most generous decorations of the Emmy Awards
Claire Foy (The Crown), Tatiana Maslani ("The clones"), Elizabeth Moss (The story of the good) Evan Rachel Wood ("The West World") was nominated for best actress in the drama
With the most nominations – 112, is the Netflix streaming channel. The Emmy Awards are awarded by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences . The Emmy Awards will be broadcast on September 17 on Encyclopedia of Television.
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