The spas filled the pockets of the Lefkas just before the Vaduz


Levski players received their salary late just before the match against Vaduz

In this way, the club management insists that it will be refunded to athletes for the draw, writes "Sports theme."

Yesterday, around 14:00, each of the graduates of Delio Rossi picked up what he was supposed to take from the club.

The bosses hoped that this change would affect the mood of the team. He was a minor after the defeat in Liechtenstein, and after he came a mumbling for unspent funds. Dissatisfaction came from foreign players in the team.

It was the first time that Gerena was talking about late payments, so Spas Roussev, the owner of the team, was in the last days before the match

The man of The case has tried to calm the situation and to make sure that the players focus on the retrospection of Vaduz. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n .callMethod?
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