The threat transmitted by mosquitoes threatens Bulgaria – Bulgaria


With heavy rain, the risk of West Nile fever increases.

Just last week, 20 new cases were reported in Italy, 10 in Romania and several in Greece, Serbia and Hungary

The number of registered patients in Europe is increasing [19659002] "I do not He is not worried about the presence of 10 to 15 cases of West Nile fever, but an indication that climate change is causing changes in mosquitoes, ticks and rodents carrying all the diseases that characterize them. For example, malaria, to which we must be particularly careful, which is still a strange thing "

Thus commented on the danger of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes in the workshop of" Hello, Bulgaria "Dr. Angel Kunchev, Chief Inspector of Public Health

80% of the West Nile fever have symptoms

He explained that West Nile fever is one of the diseases transmitted by the bites of West Nile. Mosquitoes and Malaria

. "These diseases 10 years ago we considered them exotic and we read them only in the textbooks of tropical medicine. ] In recent years, it is a fact that they are starting to move their borders to the north " Dr. Kunchev explained.

According to him, West Nile fever mainly affects birds , small rodents, but people bitten by an infected tick also develop the disease.

In addition to an infected tick, the main vector of infection is the mosquito – distributed in Bulgaria by the Kulex family.In this case, almost all mosquitoes can carry the infection

Dr. Angel Kunchev said that Italy was the most affected by mosquito bites.However, the strain of Nile fever in the United States causes a number of serious complications in people rarely encountered in Europe

. "Our Mediterranean strains originate in North Africa and severe cases of complications are less than 1% . Encephalitis and meningitis can develop once in about 500 to 1000 cases, "said the health inspector.

" How to know West Nile fever from one person to another simple summer virus? "

symptoms of nausea, fatigue and vomiting There is no specific treatment for this virus," explained the specialist.

Interesting facts about mosquitoes and how to save them (video)

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