The ticket for tourist flights with the company of Bezos will be at least 200 thousand dollars ::


  The Blue Origin Company intends to sell space travel to its New Shepard vessels at a cost of 200 to 300

Jeff Bezos' underflight tickets will be available for sale in 2019. [19659003] The ship New Shepard will be able to take six pbadengers, according to Reuters and France, quoted by BTA. Since 2015, the aircraft has completed eight fields of tests in automatic mode

The last of them took place on April 29, and the next test will be held at the end of the year. 39; summer. The first pbadengers aboard the New Shepard will be employees of the company

Blue Origin is only one of the private companies that charge for regular tourist flights in space.

British Billionaire Virgin Galaxy Richard Branson performed his 13th SpaceShip-2 test at the end of May

The ticket price for the 2-hour flight, during which six tourists will be able to 39, observe the Earth at a height of 100 kilometers will be about 250 thousand dollars. The names of companies badure that they have already sold more than 650 tickets

Among the celebrities who have expressed the desire to orbit with this ship, the names of Hollywood stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks and Angelina Jolie appear. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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