The true scale of the tragedy began to appear (OBZOR)


July 25, 2018 | 3:39 pm | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: Protothema The day after

  The day after the apocalypse in Attica: The day after the tragedy in East Attica began to appear, the actual number of deserts and the actual number of people killed in the area of ​​Matti, Neo Vuza and Rafina, along the coast of Kokino Limanaki ( Red Bay). After the shocking revelations of the rescuers on Tuesday, when several people, and even whole families regrouped, with young children and adults, were found in the seaside resort of Matti, the cleaning of the debris and the calm of the situation have started on Wednesday. find two charred bodies at different places in the settlement. According to the latest official data, there are 81 casualties, but their numbers are likely to increase as hospitals have 10 people in critical condition and relief teams continue to work. It is understood, in the words of the mayor of Raffina-Pikermi Evangelos Bournus, that more than 1,500 houses have been destroyed in the fires and that the destroyed forest areas are estimated at more than 2,100 hectares. The tragedy again sparked a debate on the widespread practice of illegal construction in the forests and on the coast

Although the leader of the main opposition party, New Democracy, Kiriakos Mitsotakis, said on Tuesday that this is not the right time the priorities are "unity and solidarity", and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, in his televised speech on "the indescribable tragedy", declared a mourning of three days and stressed that the causes of the tragedy and possible liabilities – "which The disappointment also triggered the Tuesday night speech of some government officials that the fires were caused by organized arson aimed at destabilizing power [19659005Awaveofgovernmentcriticism wrote that the competent authorities acted impromptu without central coordination. Marathon is reported to prevent fire from descending to the sea. There was no plan or how and where to bring people to safe places, and the proof is that residents and tourists acted their own initiative. Fire engines were stranded in the Kinetta area after using the water in their tanks because there was nowhere to charge the fire trucks. All of these examples indicate that the publication is indicative of the responsibility of the authorities. Meanwhile, the Greek government tries to cope with the public relations consequences after the state machine was not prepared to deal with fires ravaging a number of settlements in East Attica – Rafina, Matti, Neos Voutsas and Kalitechnupoli, literally comparing them to the earth in a day. In another document, the conservative Protothema found: "So much pain and no resignation." The newspaper believes that the fire has caused a veritable chaos in the government's actions, which "have invested in national mourning and tried to hide behind the wave of empathy and unprecedented solidarity that Greek citizens manifest. "
According to "Rrotothema", while the search for missing and loved ones is experiencing dramatic hours, no one is questioning about the total lack of planning for the construction of affected villages, the lack of plan for deal with the disaster and the evacuation of the population.

Another authoritarian Greek edition – "Kathimerini" wrote: "The lack of an emergency plan lies behind the large number of victims of war. fire ". The newspaper backed the position of former firefighters and other firefighters that "the poorly prepared state mechanism and the lack of emergency plan are the main reasons for the tragedy in Attica. Is and firmly reject the government's suggestions of intentional fires aimed at destabilizing the country ". ] "The lack of an emergency plan is causing the death of at least 74 people who were trapped when they fled their homes. and sought to leave the area safely. They accuse the fire brigade, the regional authorities of Attica and, in particular, the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, responsible for the coordination of all relevant institutions
They also point to the apparent lack of state preparedness despite weekend warnings that Monday's fire hazard will be at the highest level in the Attica region
"It is obvious that there was a delay in the response to the Dow fire, the forces were sent to Kinetta and the authorities were not expecting a second fire in Attica" , said an experienced firefighter in Kathimerini
In addition, in response to rumors and speculation that Monday's fires were the result of an organized arson, the same sources noted that during the fires, it is not uncommon for the fires to occur. have about 10 fires in the region of Attica. They also point to the evidence that kennel hatching is triggered by sparks from electrical pylons. How many more human sacrifices? "Application " To Vima " and notes that" Again, Greece is crushed and regrets the tragic loss of dozens of our neighbors in conditions of incredible horror, which is developed just a few kilometers from the center of the capital. Entire families – small children and old people – were engulfed by the deadly, infinite hell, which pushed people and their properties to dust. The material found: The climatic conditions in the area were indeed extreme. But, this can not be an excuse for anyone. We are the country where repeated tragedies constantly occur, unfortunately, without learning anything from our mistakes and our losses
The conclusion of To Vima is: "We can not drown or burn without anyone being responsible for it, we can not blame the extreme weather conditions and constantly wonder why it is wrong. there is no coordinated plan, why there is no preventive plan, why local and other interests undermine, personal gain, necessary measures and interventions
In other countries, extreme and unprecedented natural disasters also occur. But they are an exception, not a rule, as in Greece where you can not know what will happen tomorrow.
That the dozens of victims we mourn today are the last victims of the unbeatable incompetence of the state and local authorities to fulfill their overriding duty: to protect and preserve the life and property of our citizens. fellow citizens.

("SYRIZA"), who did not fail to demonstrate at that time:

"The Metropolitan of Calavrita and Ayalai (in the Peloponnese region of Achaia," Ambrose said that the devastating fires and the tragic loss of life had occurred because of God's anger, caused by the fact that the current Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, was an atheist, Protothema "19659014] The bishop's statement provoked criticism from other church personalities, including the archbishop of Athens and all of Greece, Jerome, who has says, "The Lord is love, the Lord does not seek revenge, but ask all to love one another."
Yeronim reproached Ambrose, pointing out that even if his views did not reflect those of the official church, his personal opinions had to be in a certain frame.

The world was crying with Greece, even its most vicious enemies

An international community expressed its condolences to the relatives and relatives of the victims of the devastating fires. The European Commission drops the flags of its headquarters in Brussels in memory of the victims. There is hardly any country left to help Athens deal with the consequences and not cry the Greek people. Even Turkey, which recently had a very bad relationship with its western neighbor, "Shares Your Pain" as written in the Greek daily "Cumhuriet" on the front page. Even the newspapers of northern Cyprus have expressed such support with titles in Greek. Havadis wrote: "Your pain is our pain."
Including Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose country is currently in a political scandal with Athens, sent a letter to his Greek counterpart Prokopis Pavlopoulos and Prime Minister Tsipras: "In Russia, we sincerely share the sadness of the fraternal people in Greece Please, give the words of support to the relatives and relatives of the victims, as well as the wishes for the speedy recovery of all the wounded. "
"We are ready to provide the necessary badistance to deal with the consequences of this disaster."


In one of the ugliest episodes that has emerged in the media, the Greek police arrested four people suspected of stealing a house in the grave affected by the fires in Greece the latter Recourse days Neos Voutsas, located on the eastern coast of the Metropolitan Region of Attica
According to law enforcement data, the accused, aged 22 to 26, tried to hide after stealing a house affected by the fire, but spotted by police officers who patrolling the area and arresting them. In addition, another person who is believed to have been an accomplice is detained.

Edition: Ivan Hristov

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