The US Department of Justice accused a Russian citizen of espionage


July 17, 2018 | 02:12 | FOCUS News Agency

  Photo: News Agency

  Interfax: US Department of Justice accused of spying on Russian citizens Photo: FOCUS Information Agency

Washington. The US Department of Justice has filed a complaint against the Russian citizen Maria Butina in connection with suspicions of espionage and conduct as an agent of Russia, handed over Interfax
The accused is placed in custody. According to the court, Buttina in 2015 was involved in a conspiracy in Washington for the benefit of the Russian government. According to the court, she used her personal relationship with an American citizen who had an influence on American politics
The indictment states that "she worked in the United States as a Russian agent and used her personal ties with an American who has an influence on American politics and tried to act in the interest of Russia ".
Maria Butina was born in 1988. She is an entrepreneur, publicist and president of the leadership of the public organization "Law of Weapons".
Translation and revision: Viktor Tourmakov

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