<img src = "https://www.investor.bg/images/photos/0265/0000265257-article3.jpg" alt = "The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has declared that the US dollar has been overestimated, that the Chinese yuan is in line with the foundations and that nearly half of the world's countries have a current account surplus
In its annual report on the external sector, which badesses exchange rates, surpluses and deficits current account, the Fund raises current account surpluses and deficits, which add to growth risks and trade tensions, obtain more and more with The report is based on data and forecasts of IMF of June 22. However, the Chinese yuan has experienced a significant decline in value over the last few weeks, in a context of increasing trade tensions with the US 19659004] On Tuesday, the Chinese currency reached its lowest level in 13 months at 6.8295 yuan for a dollar after the Beijing authorities announced a loosening of monetary policy to support the economy in the growing trade war with the United States. Friday the US Minister of Fine Steven Munchin told Reuters that he worried about the decline in the value of the yuan, and that his department "would make a careful badessment of whether the country has manipulated its currency. " increased last year to 1.7% of its gross domestic product. This places the country in the group of countries with excessive surpluses, including Germany, South Korea, the Netherlands, Sweden and Singapore The United States, Britain, Turkey and Argentina] The IMF says in its report that the US dollar is again overvalued by about 8%, up from 16% last year. US President Donald Trump has violated the protocol in recent days and complained of rising interest rates (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if ( f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq
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