Theresa May received support from her cabinet to establish a free trade zone with the EU after Breckit


London. British Prime Minister Teresa May refused to reject the British single desk in the single market of the European Union and set common tariffs with Brussels bypbading British attempts to untangle her strategy for Breckit, the British newspaper The Times .
In an effort to keep its deputies increasingly divided, the British prime minister is committed to reaching an agreement that would be good for the company, while not crossing the red lines that it it's fixed. Between cutting-edge issues and the hostile moments of her own lawmakers in the last row of parliament, May reviewed the issues of customs union, regulation, and transition prior to Breckitton's key meeting at the British residence of the British Prime Minister
Asked by conservative Sir Bill Kesh to find out if he would refute the "absurd" information that the government might consider "a form of legal return" in the single market, Theresa May denied only the "illegal" information. official accession to the European Economic Area (EEA). "Staying in the EEA is not true because that, and in particular the form proposed by the European Commission, would not respond to the referendum vote and the voice of the British people," he said. he declares. May has not denied that his government is now seeking the Norwegian model of cooperation in the single market as information appeared in the media
When the conservative lawmaker Jacob Rees-Mog asked Teresa Mae he would confirm that England would leave the EU customs union after the end of the transition period and that it would not be necessary for the EU to go ahead. it would not be linked to the same tariffs as those fixed by the EU, that the United Kingdom would leave, refusing to answer the second part of the question
She also surrounded a question from Labor MP Pat McFadden about his willingness to extend the transition period after Breckit. However, the British Prime Minister has insisted in his answers to the questions of pro-EU legislators that he will reach an agreement that will dispel business concerns
Mocking some Breccitt supporters, Nikki Morgan, chairman of the Finance Committee in Parliament, asked Teresa May to "do what Conservative prime ministers have done over the centuries" and look for a "pragmatic, reasonable and flexible ". Morgan said that no matter what the case to do, she must protect businesses, jobs and the economy, adding, "Otherwise, nobody will thank us for the mess we are going to complete." Mae responded, saying that he was working on an agreement on Breckit, which would ensure prosperity for the economy going into the future
The British prime minister was in an audience in the lower house of Parliament to report on the results of the Brussels summit last week. However, she was questioned about her plans and how she plans to unite her cabinet behind a strategy that would be the basis of negotiations with the EU
Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbin attacked Theresa May, saying that her opinion was nearly 2,000 words, but that there was virtually no plans for Breckit. "All the Prime Minister says about Breckit is:" We need clarity on our future relationships. "Yes, we have: we have been waiting for nearly two years for the clarity of this government," criticized Corbin

Translation and Editing: Ionian Dochev

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