Theresa Mei threatens conservative rebels early elections this summer :: British Prime Minister Teresa May threatened Conservative Party rebel MPs to call new legislative elections this summer when they oppose them


<img src = "" alt = "Theresa Mei Threatens Rebel Conservatives With Early Elections This Summer [desesplanspouresquestioningdouanesafter Brexit .

During one of the most turbulent periods in British political history, four important votes took place in four years – the referendum on Scottish independence in 2014 , the parliamentary elections in 2015, the referendum referendum of the United Kingdom in 2016, and the early general elections convened in May of last year

According to the Times, the "bads" of the Conservative Party – the deputies who ensure respect have called for a new election of pro-European legislators led by former ministers Steven Hammond and Nikki Morgan before the vote Tuesday, reports Bloomberg.

Mei then avoided a "loss" in parliament for pro-European camp in

Parliament voted 307 votes against 301 against a corrigendum in trade legislation that would oblige the government to conclude a customs union with the EU if, on 21 January 2019, it fails to negotiate a free-trade agreement argoviya with the bloc.

Similar signals for early elections and shipped former British Prime Minister John Major Conservative Party. According to him, May may be forced to vote for new elections within a few months, if the wing that Brexit fervently supports in his party does not compromise the starting conditions of the European Union.

Major, who led the government from 1990 to 1997, expressed fears that the country is heading for a chaotic exit from the EU, as the prime minister is unable to reconcile the two camps in his party, according to BTA

A fervent supporter of staying in the EU, Major noted that some parliamentarians the holiday is ready for everything "It seems to me that there are people in Parliament who would be extremely satisfied with Brexit without an agreement, "said the former prime minister, (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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