They arrested three people for stealing perfume in a shopping center for 70,000 leva


Photo: Archives

Three people were arrested for stealing perfumes in a mall for 70,000 leva, according to the Interior Ministry.

The investigation began on October 7, as a result of a signal sent by the director of the cosmetics and perfume store of a Metropolitan Mall for stolen goods of a value of nearly 70,000 leva.

After preliminary examination of the file, a preliminary procedure was initiated. During the investigation, the criminals identified the perpetrators, two men aged 40 and 29 and a 20-year-old woman. On November 9, the woman and the young man were arrested with police measures until 24 hours in the fifth UR and the second man who was hiding from the police – said a search on the scale of the state. Subsequently, on November 23, he was also found and detained by the police within 24 hours.

As part of the searches of the three people's homes, the stolen goods and other items related to the crime were found and seized.

After a report on the collected documents relating to the case at the Sofia District Attorney's Office, the woman and the 40-year-old man were charged with a crime under the law. ;art. 195 of the Penal Code. A "monetary guarantee" measure of 500 leva was imposed on him and a permanent measure of "pre-trial detention". Their accomplice is questioned as a witness before a judge and released.

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