They showed an updated version of the cheapest Lada


Autowaz presented the renewed version of the Lada Granta, which is the most affordable car of the Russian brand. The new front-of-the-line design is achieved in the X-Face style that the company imposes on the Lada Vesta model range

The photos of the sedan have not been published. The new Lada Vesta Sport “/>

presents the new Lada Vesta Sport

With a revised chbadis and a forklift engine

The current Lada Granta is available as a sedan and freight elevator and in the sporty version. The model is equipped with 1.6-liter engines with a power of 87, 98 and 106 horsepower. Rates start at 399 thousand rubles (current rate of about 62 rubles per dollar).

  The official premiere of the renewed Lada Granta will take place at the end of August at the Moscow Salon </p>
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The company relies on the renewed Granta, which produces since 2011 to attract new buyers from the Improved exterior and interior design and technical characteristics of the car

As for the next generations of Lada Granta, it must be ready in 2021. As previously stated, the core of the new model will be the Renault B0 platform significantly modified, where the new generation Logan will be built, written

  Autowage stops the production of some models Lada

Autowaz stops the production of some models Lada

Here are the models of Priora, Granta and Kalina [19659013]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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