They stopped a paraglider flying over Trump's World Golf Resort


Scottish police say they arrested a paraglider who took part in a Greenpeace action and raped a forbidden area on the US president's golf course Donald Trump – Trump Turnberry

The paraglider flew Friday night above the Trump personal helicopter and the roof of the building at a relatively low altitude with a banner marked Trump: Well Below Par) as a protest against the environmental policy (19659003) Trumpe “/>

After the l. appearance of paragliding, Trump was seen pbading in the grbad, quickly heading to the US Head of State

Colorful Encounter: Trump and Melanie drinking tea to the Queen of England. entrance to the complex. Another picture shows how he looks at the paraglider at a glance and waves his hand.

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At the time of the building's roof, there were snipers and a local newspaper noted that the pilot was lucky not to have reacted to his appearance.

According to the Scottish police, the 55-year-old paraglider committed a criminal offense when entering the no-fly zone. The organization said it had previously informed the authorities of the action.


Trump spent two days in the golf resort . He arrived there after an official official visit to the United Kingdom . He met British Prime Minister Teresa May and Queen Elizabeth II. After his meeting with His Majesty Trump and his wife Melanie went to Scotland . Earlier Sunday, Trump left the station. He went to the Finnish capital Helsinki where will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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