They were accused of attempting to murder the assailant with a knife in a bus in Lubeck (Video)


Scene from the Euronews incident

The German prosecutor's office accused of attempting to murder The 34-year-old man who badaulted yesterday a bus from the city of Lübeck, DPA and Associated Press reported.

The accused was born in Iran but has German nationality and has been living in Lübeck for a long time. He wounded 10 people in the attack, including three seriously, including a 21-year-old Dutchman who operated at night. The attacker has been detained and is still detained, reports BTA.

There is no evidence that man has been radicalized and, according to authorities, it is unlikely that he had a terrorist motive. Prosecutor Ulah Hingst said he did not speak during the interrogation and the reasons for his badault remain vague

German TV Spiegel Ti tells the father of the attacker that his son was suffering from unrest mental disorders

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