Third place for our 4-by-100m women's relay in the Balkans Range Athletics
The Bulgarian women's relay at 4 by 100 meters won the bronze medals in the Balkan chain in Stara Zagora. Victoria Georgieva's native athletes Radostina Stoyanova, Karin Okolie and Inna Eftimova were third at 45.62 seconds. The Balkan champions became the Greeks with 45.43 seconds, followed by the Romanians with 45.55 seconds. "/> At 4-100 meters, the Bulgarians in Slavi Mutafov, Veselin Zhivkov, Antonio Ivanov and Denis Dimitrov were fifth at 40.55 with the champions at 39.48 seconds. followed by the Greeks with 39.84 seconds and the Israelis with 40.29 seconds.
<img src = "" alt = "Райна Иванова, sent from to Stara Zagora
Photos: VLADIMIR IVANOV, sent from to Stara Zagora
PHOTO GALLERY from the first day of the Balkans HERE !!!
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