THIS IS OFFICIAL: Liverpool shoots Alison and breaks the world record for the most expensive guard


Liverpool has officially finalized the transfer of the Roma goalkeeper and the Brazilian national team Alisson for the sum of 72.5 million euros, of which 10 go into the cashier's Italian team under the bonus form.

The news has been confirmed by the official website of "Mersissaids", and the karyoka becomes the most expensive goalkeeper in the history of world football. It is also the most expensive addition to the history of the Merseyside Club. Liverpool has never paid so much money for a football player

The guards were a key part of the team "Jalorossi", which reached the 1/2 final of the League of Champions last season, and is distinguished by exceptionally stable appearances.

The contract of Alison and Liverpool lasts a long time, and its attractiveness means that the team will be part of Loris Karius or Simon Mignole.

He was also badociated with a transfer to Real Madrid and Chelsea, but finally (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {si (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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