"Thrones Play" won 22 nominations for "Emmy"


The bloody saga "Throne Game" won the most nominations for the Emmy Awards. HBO's best-selling series returns to the top of the number of statuettes that he can fight after last year failed to meet the Academy of Art and Science television ceremony because of his first end

Despite his dominance this year, however, "Thrones Play" will not compete in the categories of the best actors in a major role. Lena Heidi, Nikolay Koster-Valdaw and Peter Dinkleigh have received nominations for supporting images.

Among the main actors in the drama are Jason Bateman ("Ozark"), Stirling K. Brown ("We Are Here"). Harris ("West World"), Matthew Ris ("Americans"), Milo Ventimilla ("We are here") and Jeffrey Wright ("Western World"). The women who will have the chance to win the prize are Claire Foy ("The Crown"), Tatiana Maslani ("The Clones"), Elizabeth Moss (The Story of the Good), Kerry Russell (The Americans), Evan Rachel Wood and Sandra O ("Killing Eve"), who is the first Asian Emmy winner to fight for the award.

In addition to "Thrones Play" in the category of the best drama, they compete with the Americans, the crown, the thrones, the story of the good, the weird things, we are us, and the western world, where money goes by the number of appointments. With 21 mentions among the contenders is also the comedy "Live on Saturday night". With fewer nominations, "The Maidens' Story" is written, "Atlanta", "Barry", "Cherneezh", "Calm Ball", "Brilliant", "The Beautiful Mrs. Meisel", Silicon Valley,, "Invincible Kimi Schmidt" are Emmy nominees for the best comedy series
The Emmy Awards will be broadcast on September 17 on television

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