Thunder in paradise? Prince Harry refuses to catch his wife (VIDEO) – Curious – News about lifestyle, style, diets, fashion


As soon as Prince Harry and Megan Markle began to appear together at public events, their admirers immediately noticed their poignant looks, how they held their hands shaking, reporters even began to point out that the couple could afford much more volition than the dukes of Cambridge.

The conjugal life of the royal family corrected the behavior of the newlyweds. At an official reception at Buckingham Palace, the Duchess of Susbad wanted to seize her man, but he simply did not allow it.

An expert explained that the protocol nowhere states that the couple can not hold hands, but there are also unwritten rules of the royal family whose members still look at Elizabeth

"We rarely see Royal couples hold hands during official events. " Kate Middleton and Prince William are not supporters of such an event of feelings, but this can often be seen with Prince Ch Chris and his wife Camilla, who hold hands, "says Mika Meyer.

"It all depends on the couple's preferences and the character of the event they're visiting. In the presence of the Queen, hand in hand is not "It is interesting that Queen Elizabeth for her 70-year life with Prince Philip has repeatedly allowed her husband to hold her hand or to show another manifestation of feelings. "

19659007] "That Harry and Megan are holding hands after already having husband and wife are not typical of royal weddings, most likely it is a gesture that they wanted to show that". after the commitment, they are already a whole, "said the expert


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