Ghost Recon Wildlands continues to gain strength after its less than positive reception reception at the launch last year. We are immersed in our second year of content and it is time for Special Operation 2 to bring new PvE and PvP experiences, maps, fashions, weapons and skins.
Special Operation 2 was released on July 24th. the new Ghost mode. This is distinct from Ghost Wars in that it's a PvE mode, but encompbading specially crafted missions with tricky rule games. Players will only be able to carry one main weapon at a time, the remaining ammunition in a magazine will be lost during reloads, teammates will not be resurrected and there will be friendly fire. Basically, it's Ghost Recon that should appeal to purists.
Two new PvP cards are also available, one in a much-needed snow, Ghost War challenges, a Prestige economy to unlock cosmetic items, and more than 100 new cosmetics to win
One can only get one. to stop wondering how things would have been different if Ghost Recon Wildlands had been released in its current state. It's an absolutely solid package now, especially for multiplayer fans, though the main campaign itself remains a little dry and repetitive. The Ghost Wars PvP mode is tense and competitive, and certainly a siege-worthy alternative for those looking to head to the big spaces rather than sneaking into the dirty basement of a neo-Nazi gang at the search for a hostage.
Whatever the case may be, the update will be available next Tuesday, July 24, for season ticket holders, and a week later for everyone, for free.
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