As we know, the "citizens" were pushing to attract the player in January, but the "foxes" did not release their star. an amount less than 100 million pounds. Marsez has not yet started pre-season training with his current team because he already has permission to leave the club.
Manchester City agrees £ 60m with Leicester for Riyadh Mahrez … with the winger set for medical in the next 48 hours https://t.co/FlqzayY6Cv pic.twitter.com/On7ywNLpn6 [19659003] – MailOnline July 9, 2018
According to the edition, the amount of the transfer that the City will pay is 60 million pounds or 40 million less than claimed the last day of 100 million [19659005] // FB.init ({appId: 176964795710805 & # 39 ;, status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true});
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