Toshko Simov leads the Levski against "the sailors – Levski – BG Football


The young Todor Simov will lead the Levski and against the Black Sea, learn The 33-year-old specialist, who temporarily replaced Delio Rossi as a senior coach, led the "Blue" to the infamous victory of Komatevo against Botev (Plovdiv). Stolichani won 1-0 after a goal in the final seconds of Ilia Dimitrov, which allowed the 26 Bulgarian champions to start the season with a win for the first time since 2012, and far from Sofia, this is not the case. # 39; is not produced since 2007. [Simonquifutd'abordtraducteurdeDelioRossipuissonbadistantn'apasréussiàdevenirleplusjeuneentraîneurdel'histoireduLevskiC'esttoujourslalégendaireneuvièmeduclubGeorgiIvanov-GonzoquiaremplacéRatkoDostanicàl'automne2009àl'âgede33ansettroismois

Toshko Simov, who is the younger of the & # Blue School, started at 33 years and seven months at the head of Levski. Former coach of the "blue" Georgi Todorov was next to him on the bench since he had the necessary license to lead the elite matches. The instructions and changes were made by Simov, who also gave the interviews after the meeting

  Botev Pd - Levski 0: 1 @@@

Since the new coach Slavisa Stojanovic will not be able to to be introduced before the weekend, Simov in tandem with Todorov will prepare the team for a week with the Black Sea, which is on Monday, and will also lead the bench meeting. It is after the first cleaning for the first season of the league that the Slovenian should take the post and start the training of Gerena

  Botev Pd - Levski 0: 1 @@@ [19659008] An interesting fact is that his late career as a football player in 2010 – Simov, has 13 goals in 64 games in his native A group and his first goal scored with the team of "sailors". He has two trips to Ticha – 2004/2005 and the spring of 2006.

It is not yet known the future of Toshko Simov, who until August 2017 led the children from all over 2006 at "Georgi Asparuhov Stadium", then entered the headquarters of Delio Rossi

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