Traveling in space is getting closer


This week, traveling to the cosmos is one more step. Virgin Atlantic's Billionaire Richard Branson performed an important and successful test of the Unity spacecraft, exceeding twice the speed of sound

This is the third test, and this time the engines worked 11 seconds longer than the previous one, new recordings. The ultimate goal is to advance the device by 80 kilometers. At this altitude, the pbadengers will experience weightlessness and will see the Earth from the windows of Unity

For the third attempt, the Unit ascended to 14 kilometers above from the Mojave Desert, two people on board. During the first phase, the aircraft was attached to the mother ship Eve. He raised the unit in 42 seconds. Then come the rockets that send the aircraft at 52 kilometers in height at a speed of 2.47 times the speed of sound

The aircraft is returned to Earth [19659002] Branson is competing with billionaire Jeff Bezos to send tourists into the cosmos. Bezos donates $ 1 billion a year to Blue Origin.

Virgin Galactic has already registered 700 people for a flight. Tickets cost about $ 250,000

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