Trudo apologized to a woman for "obscene" behavior nearly 20 years ago – World


A former Canadian journalist stated that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudo apologized to him after revealing to him that he had behaved with his "obscene" words with her he almost two decades ago

Rose Knight worked at the Kreston Valley Advance newspaper in 2000, during a cover of a music festival in British Columbia. b and "" of Trudo.

  Justin Trudo

In January, the Canadian minister resigned for verbal badual harbadment

Rose Knight said connection with "the incident" . She added that she had long since finished her journalism career and that she had not made any statement about it since she was worried about not hurting the privacy of his family.

Trudo, however, stated that respected Knight's decision to speak. about what happened 18 years ago, but adds that does not remember wrongdoing

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