Trump congratulated May for her position to leave the EU, criticizing Germany


Trump and Mae at their joint press conference. Photo Donald Trump said today that he is waiting for the conclusion of a trade agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom after leaving the EU, reported Reuters

at a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Teresa May. The President of the United States said: "When the process of Brescia will be over, and maybe the UK will leave the EU, I do not know what they will do, but whatever you do, it's your decision. Then he continued: "Everything you do is acceptable to us, but do it so that we can trade with each other, it is important, it is an incredible opportunity for our two countries and we will get the most out of it. "Reuters noted that Trump's words contradict what he said in an interview in which he says May's strategy will make an impossible trade deal between Washington and London. 39, interview for the tabloid of the Sun, published a few hours before his British Prime Minister, Trump criticized the results "rather unsuccessful" proposals of Theresa May for Breckete and his tactics in the talks of exit of the EU in March Next year, at the press conference in the Garden of the Checkers' House, Trump took a completely different stance and said that May had done an "excellent job."

The week last, lor An in camera meeting of the government imposed its exit plan from the EU, but two key cabinet ministers then resigned. Trump told the Sun that Britain in trouble has been messed up

British Prime Minister Teresa May and US President Donald Trump said at the press conference after talks at Residence Checkers near London that were united in his stance towards Russia by President Vladimir Putin, with whom Trump will meet in Helsinki on Monday during the first bilateral meeting of the two leaders to improve relations between Washington and Moscow, according to the French press

"We are unanimous on the fact that it is important to have a dialogue with Russia from a position of strength and unity," Mei said, as the British government has a tense relationship with Russia, which has further deteriorated due to the poisoning of British land by the former Russian spy Sergei Scripal, for which London accuses Moscow [1965] 9003] "We were much harder towards Russia than everyone else". "If we can develop relationships (with Putin), it would be fantastic." Trump said that he would raise with Putin the issue of Russian intervention in the US presidential election in 2016, but said that he did not expect Putin to say, "He took me by surprise," he said. With the badertion that Germany is under Russian control, US President Donald Trump stepped up his attacks on Berlin today, criticizing him for having struck a "terrible" deal with Moscow, "said DPA

.I think something is terrifying," said Trump about the North Stream gas pipeline project.2 ", which will provide Germany with Russian natural gas." can you work for peace and the position of power when someone has such power over your country? ", he said after meeting with the British prime minister. at his Checkers residence

Trump said Wednesday at a NATO summit in Brussels that Germany was "the captive of Russia" for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

Today, he reiterated his claim that Germany will depend on Russia for 70% of its energy.

The German Government has already rejected this request. According to the German delegation to NATO, Germany now relies on Russia for 23% of its energy consumption.

Can refrain from judging North Stream 2 and said that Britain would discuss the issue at the European level "to sit around the mbad of the EU." [19659003] Great Britain must leave the EU next year

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