Trump: I'm ready for the meeting with Putin


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US President Donald Trump badured that he was ready for his next meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin,

"Getting ready for this work all my life, "said Trump during a meeting with his supporters in Montana.He laughed at journalists asking him if he was ready for his meeting with Putin on July 16 in Helsinki, reports BTA

75% of the media coverage of the rally is "totally dishonest," Trump said yesterday, in which media across the country kept a minute of silence in memory of five journalists in Maryland, who were killed last week by a man who had an old rivalry with the publication

The US president criticized Europe for having, he said, insufficient defense and research costs

"I said , you know Angela (Merkel), I can not guarantee it, but we keep you safe, "he said. and that means a lot more to you … because I know what protection we get when we keep you, "said the US president directly to the German Chancellor. They want to protect them from Russia and at the same time Tramp said that Trill has accused Europe of killing the United States in trade and other areas. "They make it impossible to do business in Europe but come to sell our Mercedes and Bethemia," said the US president.

The European Union has taken action against the United States after imposing tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum.

The US President, for example, called Senator Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" because of her claim to have Indian ancestry, according to the DPA. "Pocahontas, I'll give you $ 1 million if you test yourself to prove you're an Indian!", Says Trump Warren.

US President Maxin Waters, a Democrat from the House of Representatives, said: Warren was considered a potential candidate for the presidential election in the United States in 2020. Waters is calling for the removal of Trump for more than a year. A year ago, noted AP

said US President Donald Trump. he thinks that North Korean leader Kim Chen A "sees a different future"

"I hope that's true," Trump told reporters on his plane en route to a meeting with his supporters in Montana

The US president noted that his predecessor, Barack Obama was close to a war with North Korea in which more than 50 million people were killed, reported the TASS.

Trump recalled that when he came to power, Pyongyang conducted major rocket tests. The United States said this in the midst of Secretary of State Mike Pompeio's impending visit to North and Korea

This will be Pompey's third visit to Pyongyang in April and the first since the historic meeting between Trump and Kim on June 12 in Singapore, the Associated Press reports

On the way to North Korea at a stopover On his refueling plane in Japan, the US Secretary of State said that He was going to "get details" on the North Korean leader's commitments to the US president. Pompey also expects to continue the impetus to fulfill Trump and Kim's promises of "complete denuclearization" on the Korean peninsula

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