: Turkish hackers attack indigenous celebrities :: Monitor.bg


A number of Bulgarian celebrities complained that their profiles in social networks were stolen

Among the victims of the virtual attackers, who were identified as Turks, are the actor Julian Vergov, the model fitness Biliana Yotovska, singer Eva Georgieva -Eva and the bride of the last "Vip Brother" Alexandra Bogdanska. The Instagram profiles were hacked and some were subsequently deleted

The reason – according to expert Alain Popovic of the Bulgarian Association of Digital Agencies – is the target being the individuals well known

because they have the most followers

and therefore have a large database. "People do not have digital culture," Popovich told Monitor, which he says is the main problem in these situations

Is it possible to recover the accounts, he adds, "They can recover, if they are not removed by the system.But it is a rather complicated process." Therefore, users should not ignore digital authentication (b – messages that there is an attempt to enter our profile of a foreign device and if we are really)

This is the mail received by Bilyana Yotovska but after an inadvertent reading, it confirms his identity, then his data is changed and the return becomes impossible. The charming brunette will contact the GDOCB, hoping to reach the people who stole her profile

The singer Eva, known to the regular spectator of the parody site "Kifla",

has been blackmailed against recovery [19659010] to your accounts. She shared a screenshot of a conversation stating that for 200 euros she would receive her two accounts Insistrum. "The hacker turned out to be a good guy and helped me find the profile," she later told her fans because an account was still backed by the Turkish organization

Julian Vergov did not get lucky your social network profile and had to make it a new one. This was announced by his friend and colleague Vlado Karamazov. "Super Mega Sword." A stupid Turkish hacker, a cruel idiot, blurted Julian's profile on Instagram, and after discussions, purchases and a lot of bluff, the Turk could not rebuild him. The problems of the 21st century are strange, but problems remain … The important thing is that we are alive and well, "wrote the star of the Tree of Life

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