Krastyo Belev is a citizen of Plovdiv, a businessman, a Kitais who, for over 30 years, has studied, lived and worked in the underwater empire. Direct participant in preparations for the last two state visits of Bulgarian presidents to China and most of the 16 + 1 summit meetings. Co-founder and representative in Beijing of the Bulgarian-Chinese Association for Business Development
In the forum "16 plus 1", whose seventh summit begins in Sofia, representatives of 200 Companies, including, as Minister of Public Works Nikolay Nankov, expects to sign a memorandum with Chinese companies for the tunnel under Shipka and the EU does not consider it illegal
to have the surprises of the summit in Sofia, there are 2-3 projects, h a well-known global company, BGI, the Beijing Genomics Institute, the Beijing Genomics Institute and its trading company cooperate with Plovdiv's Agrigium company, which is growing this year with high-yielding Chinese hybrid millet whose grains are totally gluten free, unlike all other cereals, it can also be grown as a third feed crop , and I e think this will be one of the things that will be signed. Another Chinese company wants to bademble small electric vehicles, probably in Plovdiv
For Plovdiv airport, the Chinese side has asked to postpone signing the contract due to regulatory problems. I expect that a professor from Beijing will present to his colleagues at the Agricultural University of Plovdiv interesting varieties of high yielding rice, grown without permanent irrigation. The world has a huge interest in such Chinese developments. Beijing has allowed to export these seeds, this know-how, in only 2-3 countries
In recent years, Chinese investments in our country are negative, there is discrimination of Chinese participants in our auctions [19659003UnfortunatelyalthoughwehaveenoughqualifiedpersonnelthereisnoKitaisattheMinistryofForeignAffairsTheproblemofvisasisserious-theChineseareverydifficulttoobtainvisasThedirectairlineisabsolutelybinding-wehaveanofficialagreementwithChinathatisourlocationatBeijingAirport4-5yearsagoButdirectflightsarenotyetavailable
There is a chance to turn the tide, but first we need a national strategy to work with China. We have to make several big plans to make a comeback. With a good business plan, secured by international banks, with documentation, according to the requirements of the EU. Such a good project, for example, is a tunnel under Stara Planina – at Shipka and Petrohan. Technically and financially for Chinese companies, these projects are a toy that can be run from six months to a year.
Why not resurrect prestigious water projects like Gorna Arda with an international competition on the principle of "build-exploit-transfer the Bulgarian state. "We must take advantage of the fact that China wants to invest, carry out a prestigious infrastructure project here, as well as the arrival of Prime Minister Li Kucian in Bulgaria
The Sofia Forum will hold the first meeting China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe under the auspices of the Bulgarian Development Bank Bulgaria and other regions are behind in China's cooperation with China, there is a Chinese bank in Serbia , five have offices in Poland, Hungary is 4. There is no bank in Bulgaria that can provide Chinese businessmen with a loan secured by a property in China
At least in China, the Chinese investment in Serbia is 4 billion, in Romania – 3.5 billion excellent cooperation projects, including the Danube bridges, the roads in Montenegro ports in Kotor.In spite of obstructions from the EU, the railway line to gra Budapest-Belgrade will be built
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