Volkswagen Automotive Industry Announces Record Semi-Annual History


© Reuters

The German automotive group Volkswagen Group sold 3.12 million vehicles of its Volkswagen brand in the first half. Volkswagen Sales Director Jurgen Stakman, quoted by BTA,

For the first time in its history, the company announced sales of 3 million vehicles for the first half of the year. The increase is 6.3% compared to the same period last year, with the fastest growth in Europe and South America.

"The second half of the year will be filled with more significant challenges," predicted Stakman in reference to the introduction of the Global Harmonized Procedure. (WLTP), which could lead to delays in some production lines in Europe

Car manufacturers are struggling to put all their models on the test of emissions, which will come into effect on 1 September. (19659006) Temporary decline in China

In the third quarter, Volkswagen will shut down its production lines at the Wolfsburg factory for a few days. "Sales in China are not in the general trend, with a drop of 1.7% in June

" Volkswagen "attributes this reduction to 25% to 15% reduction in import duties from July 1 for which buyers have postponed their purchases.For the first half of the year, the brand marks a growth of 6 in the Chinese market, with nearly half of all supplies to the German company on the Asian market

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