We do not recognize the annexation of Crimea :: Investor.bg


<img src = "https://www.investor.bg/images/photos/0265/0000265340-article3.jpg" alt = "US Secretary of State Mike Pompea arrives for a hearing before the Senate The United States refuses to recognize Russia's claims to sovereignty over the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, forcibly seized in violation of international law, and urges Moscow to end its occupation.

"The United States United reject Russia's attempt to annex Crimea and say they will remain in this position until the territorial integrity of Ukraine is restored, "the statement said. Pompey

At the same time, the Washington authorities call on Russia to respect the principles it has long advocated for the holding and end of the occupation of Crimea.

few days, the United States rejected Russia's proposal that the fate from eastern Ukraine was to be decided by referendum saying that this would not be legitimate because the region was not under the control of the Ukrainian government

the state secretary was published shortly before his appearance before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, where he should be questioned at the summit between US and Russian Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

US President Donald Tru He plans to hold his second meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin next year after the investigation of special envoy Robert Muller on the Russian intervention in the 2016 US elections. That is what John Bolton, the Minister of National Security, told Reuters. Until now, a new meeting between the two presidents was to take place at the fall of the White House

. "The president thinks that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin should take place after the end of the witch hunt for Russia." However, the special prosecutor who investigated the possible collusion has never indicated a timetable or possible date for the end of the investigation. function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = func () {n.callMethod?
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