We spend 5% of our salary per liter of gas – Trud


Bulgarians spend 5.46% of their daily wage per liter of gasoline, or nearly 21 euros. This shows a Bloomberg study, which compares the prices of A-95 gasoline in 61 countries around the world

The average nominal price of gasoline sold in Bulgaria in the second quarter of 2018 is 1.14 euros per liter C is the lowest level among all EU Member States. Nevertheless, our fuel is expensive. The average Bulgarian driver uses 93.17 liters per year, consuming 1.39% of his salary, the agency estimates.

Near us are Romanians, where a liter of gas costs 1.21 euros. With an average salary of 27.77 euros per day, per liter of fuel, they spend 4.37%. On average, Romanians consume 83.25 liters per year, which is 1% of his salary

In Greece, a liter of gas costs 1.65 euros, the inhabitants lending 3.52% of their income daily. the most developed economy – Germany, gasoline costs 1.47 euros per liter. With an average daily income of 112.36 euros, however, its price is not a problem for the Germans, according to the publication

The most expensive in the EU is fuel in Norway, given that oil is extracted off the Scandinavian coasts. The average price per liter of gas is 1.74 euros. With an average daily income of 188.24 euros, it only takes 0.92% of the Norwegian wage

The cheapest fuel in the world is in the oil-producing countries In Iran, the liters of petrol cost 24 cents, Venezuela – 37 cents, Saudi Arabia – 47 cents, and Russia – 62 cents

Worldwide, gasoline prices have risen by about 6% on average last three months and 15% last year. ] (function (d, s, id) {
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