Week 4 + 1 | Replace Google services, hotels are ready for change and how gender equality helps the economy



Every wonder for three days
In recent months, Facebook Uber and Wells Fargo have been involved in serious scandals. It turns out that the effect of what happened will be different for each one of them.

The disclosure in recent years of the access of technology companies to the data has failed to change consumer habits, with the argument that services can not be replaced. It turns out that this is not exactly the case.

Gender Equality for a Better Economy
India is the perfect example of the benefits of social and economic equality between the bades. The Economist tells. (The text can be protected by Paywall)

The hotels finally answered
For a long time, hotels have been identified as big losers due to the expansion of services like Airbnb. Until now.

How It's Designed
Michael Dell is one of the first technology developers to start the billions of dollars from his own garage. Learn more about Dell's early hear from him in the pod how to build that with Guy Gu lead here or below:

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