Week 4 + 1 | Why does not anyone use Apple Maps, should we give up the fireworks and what is the success of a retailer?


Problems with Apple Maps

The problem with Apple Maps [19659003] The problems with Apple Maps were so numerous that they pushed the CEO of the company, Tim Cook, to apologize. FastCompany tells how the company could save this reputation

Firework and air quality
The United States celebrated their independence day so traditional fireworks yesterday (4 July). The air quality calendar of this day indicates that maybe this should stop. Read more Read more

The Garden at Home
More and more people want to grow vegetables that they consume themselves. Changing user behavior creates a search for products like the Aggressively Organic startup company.

The difference between the SAP, Siegel + Gale and Shift Thinking studies between the buyer and the consumer
shows that the most successful brands refer to their customers not as buyers but as consumers. In short, they make their lives easier with their products. Tells CoDesign


What is the harmfulness of the bubble

The comfort comes with the familiar environment. It may be why people are looking for a company with similar interests. But does that limit creativity? Listen to this episode Hidden Brain here or below:

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