What happens to our body if we eat 200 grams of cottage cheese a day? – Curious – News about lifestyle, style, diets, fashion


The curd is obtained by crossing the proteins of dairy products such as milk, whey, buttermilk. It is very rich in protein, but it is also a good source of vitamin B2, zinc, iron, potbadium, fatty acids and others.

It is well known that this dairy product is one of the most effective ways to treat unwanted pounds and strengthen the strength of our bones.

The benefits that curdling takes away are not exhausted by weight loss or bone strength. Different research and badysis reveal the many benefits to our overall health of this cheap and widely available dairy product.

But how does your regular consumption of cottage cheese affect your body? Discover the benefits of eating 200 cities every day:

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What happens to our body if we eat 200 grams of cottage cheese a day?

Nutritionists say that every day we have to eat cottage cheese. This dairy product contains a large amount of calcium, which is beneficial for people of all ages. There are many vitamins, minerals in the curd that can really work miracles with our body. In addition, these beneficial properties do not depend on the fat content of the curd, as long as it is fresh and it is recommended not to undergo heat treatment.

Scientists say that systemic consumption of curd produces pleasant changes in the body. But how much product can bring maximum benefit? Maybe even go eat just that? No! Nutritionists are confident that the daily intake of this product should be 200 grams because the body can only absorb a certain amount of nutrients a day.

Accelerates the metabolism

The cheese is rich in B vitamins that normalize metabolism and convert carbohydrates into energy. Vitamin B12 optimizes brain function and contributes to better absorption of iron, amino acids, fats and proteins. All of these nutrients work together as a natural metabolic accelerator. A good metabolism helps the body to better digest food by making a person more alert, more energetic, more productive.

Strength and elasticity of the muscles

The curd is an excellent source of milk protein, a very constructive material for the muscles. That's why bodybuilders eat cottage cheese every day at bedtime.

The amino acids contained in the curd are excellent for the muscles. If you want to tighten your muscles and make them more elastic, you should start eating curds daily.


Losing weight is another change that can be felt with the regular use of curd. Scientists have discovered an incredible fact: cottage cheese burns fat in a natural and useful way. It speeds up the metabolism and helps you lose weight, even without physical exhaustion. Dietitians conducted an experiment in which two groups of participants followed the same diet. But one group eats cottage cheese and does not exercise, and the other, instead of eating cottage cheese, is just exercising. As a result, participants in both groups lost the same weight. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you can simply turn cottage cheese into your daily diet.

Improve women's health

After nutritionists, gynecologists also strongly recommend eating curd regularly. But why Because it is rich in protein, calcium and vitamin D, which help to stabilize menstruation and have a beneficial effect on hormones. In addition, cottage cheese can prevent bad cancer through the intake of calcium and vitamin D. Prolonged studies have shown that high levels of these substances in the female body are an excellent means of prevention bad cancer.

Strengthens bones

The fact that curds strengthen bones and teeth is well known to all. After all, it contains a lot of calcium. 200 grams of cottage cheese contain 28% of the daily calcium intake in the adult. You should therefore eat cottage cheese regularly, preferably throughout your life, from early childhood. And for pregnant women – it is a mandatory product because it reduces the risk of osteoporosis and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

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What happens to our body if we eat 200 grams of cottage cheese a day?

Normalizes sugar levels

The reduction of blood sugar is another beneficial effect of curd on the human body. This is due to the magnesium content in the product. Therefore, the curd is also recommended for people at risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as for patients with this disease.

Keeps the heart and blood vessels

In addition, magnesium, rich in cottage cheese, has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels. This is why regular curdling helps to normalize blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Improves brain activity

The curd contains potbadium which reduces anxiety, stabilizes the nervous system and improves the blood supply to the brain. Daily consumption of cottage cheese is a great way to help your brain work more efficiently and reduce the risk of stroke.

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