Which star couples said "yes" on July 4th


Victoria and David Beckham are categorically the most famous couple getting married on July 4th. The British football star and the Spice Girls singer choose to marry on that date at Luttrellown Castle in Ireland.

The bride is wearing a corset for $ 17,000, and her 4-month-old Brooklyn son is a maid of honor.

David Millionaire's teammates and Victoria's colleagues are among the wedding guests. and Ashton Kutcher also marry with the US National Day, but in 2015

The two actors He knew 20 years ago to get married. Today, they are the proud parents of a 4 year old girl named Wyatt and 2 year old Dimitri

Check out other star couples who are getting married on Independence Day. from the United States in our gallery () (F, f, f, q, f, f, f, f, f,
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