Who created Fortnite, what is the net worth of Tim Sweeney and how much money does Battle Royale make?


IT has become one of the biggest games in the world with more than 100m of players

While everyone is busy enjoying Fortnite, other questions remain unanswered as whoever l & rsquo; Did? Here is what we know …

   Fortnite has become one of the most played games of history

Epic Games

Fortnite has become one of the most games played history

Who made Fortnite?

Fortnite was first created by Epic Games in 2011 at the Spike Video Game Awards only three weeks after finding the idea.

If you follow the Epic chain of command up to the top, you'll find some of the brightest minds in games, including eccentric CEO Tim Sweeney.

This was a departure in their usual fare that Epic fans will know was Unreal Tournament and Gears of War. They first described Fortnite as "a world where you explore, retrieve, build, and finally survive."

The game was developed to be released on the Unreal 4 game engine with a date of original release of 2013.

In 2015, they allowed 50,000 players to play the beta, which allowed Epic to really understand the pros and cons of the game.

Battle Royale was released in September 2017 and early 2018, he was the biggest game

   Tim Sweeney is the CEO of Epic Games, the company behind Fortnite
Tim Sweeney is the CEO of Epic Games, the company behind Fortnite [19659006] Who is Tim Sweeney and what is the story of Epic Games and Fortunity

Tim Sweeney had been programming games since the age of 11, obsessed with the rapid development of the game. computer industry.

Epic Games was not born until 1991, when Tim Sweeney, then a 21-year-old mechanical engineer studying at the University of Maryland, releas with a favorable reception from his few thousand ZZT helped Sweeney build a reputation for himself and his business, and Epic, originally located in Sweeney parents' home in Maryland, grew up quickly.

In 1998, Epic launched Unreal first-person shooter, which used Sweeney's powerful game development software: Unreal Engine.

He realized that he had money to polish the engine that he had manufactured. Sell ​​it to other game developers, and Epic has become better known for the Unreal engine – which is used to power most big name games, including Fortnite, today

Gears of War has become one of the best-selling series of all time and the Unreal engine, currently in its fourth iteration, is the most powerful game engine

The Remarkable Games Unreal Engine include Unreal Tournament, Tekken 7, Bioshock, Batman's Arkham series and the upcoming Final Fantasy VII remake

Years later, after having dominated the industry for a long time, Sweeney and his epic colleagues realized that the game industry was evolving: free-to-play models were becoming more and more popular, and gamers demanded ever-changing games.

So in 2012, a year after Fortnite's announcement, he joined Chin. This Tencent free-to-play games and applications company, worth $ 580 billion

C is this combination of Tencent's experience and vision from Epic who made Fortnite the current success. month through small purchases in the game by the players.

How much money does Fortnite make?

Fortnite is truly a global phenomenon and brings a lot of money.

A detailed badysis of the video game by Bloomberg had yielded nearly 1 billion pounds between September 2017 and May 2018.

In June, it had been played by more than 125 million players, creating a huge increase in liquidity at Epic Games.

Due to Sweeney's majority stake in Epic Games, has now become a billionaire with his fortune to grow as long as Fortnite remains the hottest video game in the world.

Police Sergeant of "Poster Girl" dressed lightly plays online video games for money

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