Who's Who: George, Charlotte and Louis on the day of their baptism (PHOTOS)


Baptism is one of the most important events of the British Royal Family . On July 9, 2018, Prince Louis, the third child of Prince William and his wife, Kate, is named in a private ceremony at St James in London

. Baptism

Christened Little Prince Louis in London

The King's babies are baptized within the Anglican Church. That day, they wear a copy of a lace and satin dress worn by the first daughter of Queen Victoria in 1841. The original has not been used since 2004 to preserve generations. The 2004 print is the work of Queen Queen seamstress Angela Kelly

The same dress is worn by more than 60 royal babies, including Prince William

GALLERY: The Little Prince Louis was baptized at From a private ceremony

a court where the baby is cleaned is the same for all members of the family for 178 years. Its design was created by Prince Albert in 1840. The courtyard is glittering and extremely beautiful with leaf-shaped shades, and at the base there are two angels. It is part of the precious collection of Queen Elizabeth II

One of the most important components of baptism is the water that has been purified and brought from the Jordan.

Six King's Christians – Elizabeth II, Charles, William, Harry, George and Charlotte (19659004) Royal Babies usually have many godparents. The bells of Prince George are seven years old, at Princess Charlotte – five. Louis George Prince George was baptized for three months – October 10, 2013, in the Chapel of St. James Palace

] View Princess Fairytale's baptism of Princess Charlotte in the gallery here [19659005] Her youngest sister Princess Charlotte was appointed on July 5, 2015. The baptism took place in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Sandringham, East of the United States. England

See the Three Royal Babies – George, Charlotte and Louis on the Day of Their Baptism

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