Why does Ronaldo want to leave Real (Madrid)?


Why does Cristiano Ronaldo want to leave Real Madrid? That's the big question that many people are asking in recent days.

According to the Spanish edition of "Marca", the Portuguese is firmly resolved on this one because he does not think he is loved in the club like a few years ago.

It is said that Iberian will strengthen the Italian colossus Juventus he is even looking for a home in Turin now

The transfer fee is worth 100 million euros and the Torinoans will probably get a similar figure for that 33-year-old Portuguese

Ronaldo recently frowned for the new conditions to re-sign him offered by Real, then he hinted that he was already playing the last match of the team [19659006] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return;.! n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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