Why? Wrecking Ball & # 39; is hard to say, and other reasons Overwatch fans prefer "Hammond".


Overwatch fans are rather in agreement that the new Wrecking Ball hero, a spherical mech driven by a genius hamster named Hammond, is cool. It's a fast and cute tank that reinforces the idea that the Overwatch universe is built on fun and not on seriousness. There is just one small problem: many players hate the name Wrecking Ball. Specifically, many players would prefer that Blizzard officially change her name from hero to Hammond – to the point that someone started a petition for that.

The arguments against Wrecking Ball are many and varied. Many players, like the user of Reddit d3fin3d (and the tens of thousands who modified their Reddit thread), think the name is too obvious. What do we call a bullet that destroys things? Wrecking ball! It's a bit on the nose, you have to admit. Likewise, many believe that the name is impersonal and focuses too much on the machine rather than on its driver – the equivalent of D.Va 'Mech & # 39; or Reaper & # 39; Shotgun & # 39; or anything.

Many players also pointed out that Wrecking Ball does not come out of the tongue. And while the creativity of Wrecking Ball as a name is in debate, a little research shows that the words themselves are hard to say. Wrecking Ball uses some of the most difficult sounds of the English language and in a difficult way, and it breaks a lot of rules that make the other names overwatch so catchy.

The three syllables of Wrecking Ball use three main sounds: the sound "r" the sound "i" and the & # 39; ɔ: & # 39; his . As explained English Language Club you position your tongue and your lips very differently when you utter these sounds, and you can feel it when you say it. To ring the & # 39; r & # 39; In "wre", you will roll up your tongue up to the roof of your mouth. To sound the "I" in "King", keep your tongue high but bring it to the front of your mouth while stretching your lips. Finally, to sound the & # 39; ɔ: & # 39; in the & # 39; ball & # 39;, you put your tongue low and you bring it to the back of your mouth while bringing your lips together.

In other words, Wrecking Ball puts tongue and lips everywhere without proper motive or in loop to connect the sounds. And that does not stop there: the mixture of consonants "wr" is naturally clumsy in the same way that the word "rural" is clumsy, and the hard "g" and "b" in Wrecking Ball put stops unnatural in your speech. This is particularly troublesome here because wr & # 39; at the beginning of Wrecking uses your tongue strongly, while the long vowel and consonant lasts in the end do not use it much at all.

Compare that to Hammond, paying particular attention to how your mouth moves when you say it. Hammond does not only have two syllables instead of three, she barely uses your tongue as well. Your lips and vocal cords do most of the work, which, ironically, is why it seems to roll off the tongue. In addition, we get the additional alliteration of Hammond the hamster.

We still have not finished. Most Overwatch names are two syllables or less. In fact, with the exception of Wrecking Ball, there are only seven (probably eight) with three or more syllables: Orisa, Zarya, Soldier: 76, Symmetra, Widowmaker, Lucio, Zenyatta and probably Bastion. Bastion is a bit of a joker here because some people pronounce its name in two syllables as 'low-chun'. while others hit the three syllables as in 'low-tee-in'. I am in the old camp, so I will ignore Bastion here.

Of these seven names, five end with long vowels: Orisa, Zarya, Symmetra, Zenyatta and Lucio. Interestingly, four of these five end with a long "a". because it's an easy and pretty sound to punctuate names (which, if you wonder, that's also why so many elves in fantastic environments have names like Aria). The two stars, Soldier: 76 and Widowmaker, also have something in common: their names are usually abbreviated by the players, respectively to Soldier and Widow, which are much more practical names of two syllables.

Wrecking Ball does not fit into any of these groups. It ends with the double consonant "ll & # 39; which does not stand out by the same elegance as a long vowel, and which can not be easily abbreviated. How are we supposed to shorten it? Ball? It's even more on the nose. Wreck? That does not seem to me quite right either.

So, you can see why it's so difficult. The players are linguistically wired to gravitate towards Hammond, but there are all sorts of legendary reasons behind the name Wrecking Ball, which means nothing because Blizzard has already chosen the name and is not likely to change it. But hey, we can always call him Hammond, to know how to be damned. And as Owlero the user of Reddit pointed out, at least one good thing came out of the name Wrecking Ball:

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