With 10 days late, the United States officially announced that they did not recognize the annexation of Crimea


  photo of the US government announced that it does not recognize the annexation of Crimea

Photo: Getty Images

The US government has declared that it does not exist. did not accept the Russian annexation of Crimea. This was announced by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who came 10 days after the meeting between US President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Helsinki

"In agreement with our allies, our partners and the international community, the US rejects the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula and promises to maintain this policy until the Ukrainian territory is returned, "said Pompeo.

The discussion of Crimea is not and will not be inscribed on the agenda of the summit between the head of state of the Russian Federation Vladimir …

"The United States confirms as a political decision not to recognize the claims of Kremlin sovereignty over the territory, with force and against all international laws," said Pompeo.
The statement was released one hour before the State Secretary presented a report to Congress on US-Russian relations after the Trump-Putin meeting. Popeo called on Russia to "stop its occupation of Crimea", adding that Moscow "is trying to undermine the fundamental international principle" shared by democratic countries, namely the non-violent change of a country's borders.

"Russia has acted inappropriately for a large country and has decided to isolate from the international community," said the US secretary of state.

The Treaty of the European Union continued until June 23, 2019, the effect of the restrictive measures in response to l & rsquo; Illegal annexation of Crimea …


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