World emoji day: The most popular smileys, and the most misunderstood of Indians | technology


Emojis are so much a part of our lives that they even today have a day dedicated to them – and it is today. July 17 has been celebrated as World Emoji Day since 2014 when the founder of Emojipedia, a kind of Wikipedia for emojis, Jeremy Burge created it. He chose the day of the iPhone emoji for the calendar (it shows July 17).

For some, emojis are cool and trendy; to others they are puerile; and still others, they mark the decline of the English language.

More than a billion people in India who communicate through social networks not only speak many different languages ​​but also use a bunch of different emojis. On Twitter, India uses the laughing face with the most followed tears by the smiling face with emotional eyes and the person with emoji conjoined hands.

The third represents all of the prayer at the mercy and is perhaps the most misunderstood emoji features in the top 5 emojis used in India. He is missing the top10 emojis top10 used on Twitter, led by the face with tears of joy emoji. Twitter looked at the data for emoji rankings between July 2017 and June 2018.

Emojis dates back to 1995, when people used pagers instead of smartphones and NTT DoCoMo, the largest Japanese cellular operator, added a small heart icon at his pagers. The heart quickly spread among Japanese teenagers as it allowed them to express an emotion that was almost impossible to describe in small bits of text.

Emojis are like stencils and settlers, an extension of the imaginary, says sociologist Shiv Vishwanathan. "It captures the imagination in two ways – folklore and the modern graphic novel.This is the new emotional stenography.These are not hieroglyphs that need to be decoded.They are much simpler, it is fun to use them and they should not be taken too seriously. "

By definition, an emoji is" a small digital image or an icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication "; the term comes from Japanese, e for the image and moji for the character or the letter. The similarity to the English word emoticon (which shows various facial expressions) has contributed to its memorization and use, although the resemblance is in fact entirely fortuitous.

According to an article published on Mashable, some researchers have stated that people react to emojis in the same way that they would react to a real human face. "It's becoming a culturally created neural response," the article said.

On Facebook, people around the world use emoji red heart twice as much as last year. There are more than 2,800 emojis and almost all (2,300) are used every day on Facebook. More than 700 million emojis are used in Facebook posts every day. Worldwide, the biggest day of using emoji on Messenger is New Year's Eve, according to data collected between April and July 2018.

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