World | Europe can also defend itself without US military aid, think most Germans


  More than half of Germans think that Europe can defend itself without US military support.

More than half of Germans think that Europe can defend itself without US military support. According to a study by the Forza agency quoted by German editions and Reuters, published less than two weeks after US President Donald Trump said that the United States could withdraw support for European countries within the United States. NATO, the study shows that only 37% of respondents consider Europe dependent on US military support

There is no significant difference between estimates in the eastern and western provinces from Germany, where respectively 60% and 55% consider that Europe does not need Washington. For the whole of Germany, the proportion is 56%

The subject is up to date after the NATO summit in mid-July. So Trump said that if Europeans do not gain more weight than Alliance defense spending, the United States will take action, and Germany is "hostage" to Russia for its support North Stream Pipeline 2

Approximately 84% of respondents say these comments are "totally absurd". In addition, 92% of respondents badume that Trump's desire to promote liquefied natural gas sales in the United States is the main reason for his comments. Two-thirds support the construction of North Stream-2 because they believe it will give Germany a reliable source of natural gas

The Forza study was conducted at of 1004 German citizens

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