World | The United States prepares tariffs on 200 billion dollars in Chinese imports


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US President Donald Trump seems determined to not keep his promise to impose more duties on imports from China . Yesterday, the US trade firm published a $ 200 billion list of Chinese goods on which a 10% duty would be imposed

The text of the document shows that the proposal is open to public discussion between 20 and 23 August. If the fees come into effect, it will be done in September at the earliest. The list includes meat and grain products through textiles to electronics and auto parts.

Other Duties

According to a CNBC source from the US Administration, the list of goods is aimed at key sectors of the Chinese economy, negatively affected the Chinese strategic plan President Jinpinin, whose goal is to make the country a world leader in many industries

. "For more than a year, the Trump administration has been steadily escalating China to stop unfair practices, market share and be part of the real competition in the market," said the US Trade Representative, Robert Lightheiser. "Instead of responding to our concerns, China has decided to respond to myths about US products," he adds.

Lighthear's comment refers to Beijing's refusal to accept Washington's rules. Representatives of the trade ministries of the two countries held several rounds of talks, but without success. Last week, the United States made a first blow by imposing an annual import fee of $ 34 billion on Chinese products. Then Trump warned that if China responded, new customs would follow. Of course, Beijing's list was ready a few hours later.

"Following the reaction of China and the failure of its practices, the President ordered the US Trade Representative to begin a process of taxation of 10% of Chinese imports from China. Worth $ 200 billion ". .

The EU will support the United States against China

According to Bloomberg sources wishing to remain anonymous at the next meeting of the World Trade Organization, the European Union will support the position that China should change its trade policy. Chinese government officials will maintain that 17 years after the country's accession to the WTO, progress has been made, reports the press.

In a January report by the US Trade Representative in China, Washington would have made a mistake in supporting Beijing's candidacy. According to the document, the country's accession to the WTO has not yielded the expected results of an "open and market-oriented trading regime".

According to a Chinese report, the country respects the rules of the organization and supports an "open, transparent and non-discriminatory trading system". He also writes that the government has fulfilled its commitments under the WTO, allowing other companies to work in the Chinese market

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